Tag Archives: Chicago

Remembrance of Derby Days Past

by Wendy
It’s been many years since I was in Louisville on the first Saturday of May, otherwise known as Kentucky Derby Day. But I celebrate the event every year.

You’ve no doubt seen the pomp and pageantry on the news. Southern belles with glamorous hats on head and mint juleps in hand, gents in seersucker and sunglasses, dignified horses striding sometimes proudly sometimes flippantly toward their post position. This is fabulous, but there are other Derby Day experiences. I don’t need to eat a slice of Derby pie or drink bourbon to vividly recall times past, but it certainly doesn’t hurt either. Continue reading

Favorite Dive Bars

by Wendy
What constitutes a great dive bar? I’ve read articles and watched television shows dedicated to the topic. Does a dive bar by definition have to be at least 10 years old? Can a dive bar serve delicious food? Is a dive bar allowed to remodel anything? What if it gets “discovered” – still a dive bar? Who knew it could be so controversial.

I’m no expert. The older I get, the more I gravitate to places not too crowded but lively, not too expensive but with a decent menu, not overly-stylized but with clean facilities. Yet I can think of a few dive bars that have been special to me in the past. Continue reading

Travel Fails

by Sunny

follow me on Twitter @Sunnylooksleaps

Let me start by saying that most of our travels are pretty awesome if not very awesome.  But every once in a while you get thrown for a loop and encounter a doozy of a fail that will be a standard in your travel story repertoire for years to come.  Here are two of mine.

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An Off-Season Adventure

by Sunny

follow me on Twitter @sunnylooksleaps

In our constant attempt to save money and travel as much as possible, we often search for deals during a city’s off season to take advantage of low rates and small crowds.  Of course, sometimes what we expect to be a relaxing weekend trip shapes up to be a real adventure!  Read about our February  trip to Minneapolis, Minnesota and see why the massive Mall of America was one of the sanest parts of the trip!

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Read This, Travel Here

by Sunny

follow Sunny on Twitter @Sunnylooksleaps

There is nothing better than picking out the perfect novel to take on your next trip. But wouldn’t you agree there are some books that inspire you to travel or get you super psyched to visit a new destination?  Here are four suggestions for books to read before you travel to that new city.

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Budget in the City

Me on the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC

Me on the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC

by Sunny

Let’s face it: traveling can be expensive. The cost of transportation and lodging are necessary, but add the cost of meals, sightseeing activities, and souvenirs and the expenses add up quickly. Here are some ways that my family keeps expenses low while traveling to our favorite cities. Continue reading