Monthly Archives: January 2020

Happy Fifth Anniversary Looks and Leaps!

by Wendy

Looks and Leaps blog launched in January 2015. In honor of the anniversary, I am sharing just a few of my favorite posts from our family over the past five years, in no particular order, covering a wide range of travel destinations and topics. This has been a fun archive to create and has hopefully provided a little inspiration or entertainment along the way. 

Thank you to all writers and all readers! Continue reading

Books Read in 2019

by Wendy

What did you read in 2019? Any recommendations to share? Here is my annual list of books read over the past 12 months. Several of these were published or translated in recent years, while others are rereads from decades past. I appreciate those that were gifts, as well as ones my sis-in-law leaves behind after visits to the East Coast. Continue reading