Category Archives: Looks (fashion and style stories)

End of Summer To-do List

by Wendy
Follow me on twitter @wendylooksleaps

Walk around during your lunch break and enjoy the last few weeks of jacket-free weather

Binge on baseball games. Consider listening to one on the radio, old school. Baseball is classic summer.

If your garden is overrun with tomatoes, try roasting some in the oven with olive oil, oregano and garlic Continue reading

Pro or Converse

by Wendy
Follow me on twitter@wendylooksleaps

Do you have trouble letting go of a favorite pair of shoes? I bought a pair of Converse in 2012 that are definitely in my footwear hall of fame.

Every year I bring my Converse on trips, thinking I’ll leave them behind at some point and free up more room in my suitcase. They’ve been to places like Spain, England, Denmark, New York, New Jersey, Kentucky, Massachusetts, California, Utah, Puerto Rico. They’ve hung out at beaches, mountains, restaurants, bars, cities, casinos, hospitals, baseball games, family parties, museums, bookstores, churches, concerts, backyards, hotels, airports, train stations. They’ve been very loyal. They’re practically charms. Continue reading

Summer Travel Wardrobe

by Sunny

follow me on Twitter @Sunnylooksleaps

When it comes to travel in the summer, there is always the weeklong beach getaway in my plans.  I love the beaches on the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic.  But summer travel also means spontaneous getaways.  An impromptu trip to Chicago to check another ballpark off of the list, or maybe a day wandering around in Baltimore, Indianapolis, or Cincinnati.  It is these spur of the moment trips when I am glad that I created a summer travel wardrobe at the beginning of the season.  Creating a summer travel wardrobe takes the stress out of packing for last minute trips so the focus can be on the fun! Small tweaks will be made depending on weather, but these trusty pieces have worked well for me this season.  Take a peek inside my summer travel wardrobe! Continue reading

Hair Do How To: Side Braid with Bun

by Sunny

follow me on Twitter @Sunnylooksleaps

There is nothing like the heat and humidity of summer to really put one’s hair styling products to the test.  Even with smoothing serums, conditioners, and heat protectants, my curly locks are unruly at best in the summer.  So I have perfected a couple of easy braided styles to keep my hair looking cool and cute.  Here is my side braid with bun that was a favorite of my family’s on vacation this year.

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Zip it. Zip it good.

by Wendy
I have friends and work colleagues who look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them I pack carry-on only. “But what about your toiletries?” they ask incredulously. I think they’re wondering if I become a hippie when I travel, packing a zip-top bag full of patchouli and little else.

No, that is not the case. Would a hippie throw out that excellent Devo-inspired post title? At the same time, you generally can’t be super high-maintenance for this to work. You may have to compromise on brands and your usual routine. And of course, sometimes carry-on only is not ideal for certain long trips, or if you’re packing a lot of sports equipment, or traveling with kids.

I really like to travel light, but give it a try and decide for yourself. For anyone who feels like toiletries are an impediment to carry-on only, here are some tips that may help.

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Looks and Leaps Sisters Interview

by April, Sunny and Wendy
We were so excited to participate in the Travel Fashion Girl interview series! Do you know about this amazing website? Travel Fashion Girl is an awesome resource – packing lists for practically every destination or type of trip, product reviews, beauty tips, and tons of style and travel inspiration – all topics the Looks and Leaps sisters love. Be sure to check it out!

And a big, warm THANK YOU to Alex and Travel Fashion Girl for the interview! Very fun!

Showing my Disney Side – Snow White

Please welcome my guest Disney Side blogger: my mom, Cindy!  She has an inspiring Disney Side story and outfit to share with you.  Enjoy! ~Sunny

by Cindy

Well, when I was little, there were only three Disney princesses I remember: Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora.  I didn’t have long blonde hair like Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty, but I could relate to Snow White’s short dark hair.  So I have stuck with her all these years as my favorite Disney princess. Another thing I have in common with Snow White is that I have found my prince and have lived happily ever after! Continue reading

Showing my Disney Side – Alice in Wonderland

by Sunny

Week three of showing my Disney side takes me down a rabbit hole to Wonderland!  As per my dear dad’s request, here is my version of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland. This came at the perfect time since my middle school students are currently studying the Lewis Carroll poems, “Jabberwocky” and “The Walrus and the Carpenter” in my Literature class.   Pretty cool or as Alice would say, “Curioser and curiouser!”

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