Tag Archives: packing light

Zip it. Zip it good.

by Wendy
I have friends and work colleagues who look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them I pack carry-on only. “But what about your toiletries?” they ask incredulously. I think they’re wondering if I become a hippie when I travel, packing a zip-top bag full of patchouli and little else.

No, that is not the case. Would a hippie throw out that excellent Devo-inspired post title? At the same time, you generally can’t be super high-maintenance for this to work. You may have to compromise on brands and your usual routine. And of course, sometimes carry-on only is not ideal for certain long trips, or if you’re packing a lot of sports equipment, or traveling with kids.

I really like to travel light, but give it a try and decide for yourself. For anyone who feels like toiletries are an impediment to carry-on only, here are some tips that may help.

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Looks and Leaps Sisters Interview

by April, Sunny and Wendy
We were so excited to participate in the Travel Fashion Girl interview series! Do you know about this amazing website? Travel Fashion Girl is an awesome resource – packing lists for practically every destination or type of trip, product reviews, beauty tips, and tons of style and travel inspiration – all topics the Looks and Leaps sisters love. Be sure to check it out!

And a big, warm THANK YOU to Alex and Travel Fashion Girl for the interview! Very fun!

Stylin’ for Spring Travel

By April, Wendy, and Sunny

It’s Spring!  After a couple of rounds of snow and ice and dangerously cold temperatures, I am ready to welcome in the warmer weather and the opportunity to wear something other than tights, boots, sweaters, coats and hats.  But I find spring the hardest season to transition to for some reason.  Is it the comfort of the cold weather clothes, the yo-yo temperatures of March and April?  Regardless of the reason, it is time to come up with some ideas to keeping the Spring wardrobe fun, functional and season appropriate.  My Looks and Leaps sisters and I would like to share are favorite spring transition pieces from our recent travels.  Share yours with us!

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Ski Trip Part One: Packing

View from Hyatt Escala Lodge at Park City, Utah

View from Hyatt Escala Lodge at Park City, Utah

by Wendy
I went skiing for the first time in high school. My family drove to the Smoky Mountains for a couple of days during Christmas break. Half of us slid down an icy hill without ski poles and falling on our rear to stop while the others went ice skating. It wasn’t pretty, but the VHS tape sure was hilarious. Anyway, I went maybe a handful of times since then to spots a few hours away. While I gradually learned to use poles, wedge to stop, ski off the chair lift without crashing and keep my balance, I still would not describe myself as a skier. But I married a skiing enthusiast, so away to Park City, Utah we go. My first trip to Utah and first attempt at skiing west of the Mississippi! Of course one of my first questions was: could I pack for this getaway using a carry-on bag only?
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Keep Cute and Carry-On

By Wendy, April and Sunny

We are obsessed with 1) packing light and 2) keeping it cute enough on trips so we’re not worried about what we are wearing at the time. If you’ve never cringed your way through vacation photos, we need you to share your secrets in the comments section. For everyone else, we’ll share tips from time to time on stylish travel favorites that we pack in our carry-on. Continue reading