Tag Archives: travel with family

Iceland, really?!

by Cindy
Iceland, really?! This was my response when my daughter and son in law asked her Dad and me to join them on a trip to Iceland.

I have been to places with beautiful sounding names – places like the Caribbean, Hawaii, Tahiti. But the Land of Ice? Really? I had to ponder this for awhile. Continue reading

Random Iceland Tips from Jack and Wendy

by Jack and Wendy
Iceland is such a popular destination right now. Flip through a travel magazine and you will likely see an article on the country. There are decent deals and free stopover options on Icelandair and WOW. We just missed running into several acquaintances who were visiting in the weeks prior or after our trip. There is a lot of information available if you’re planning to go to Iceland, but we are here to offer a few hopefully helpful tips from our perspective. Continue reading

Back from Incredible Iceland

by Wendy
I am just back from visiting Iceland with Jack and my parents. It was amazing and we look forward to sharing many stories on the blog. Right now, I think we’re all still in the midst of jet lag, unpacking, organizing, and getting back into the work routine – but I keep stopping to look at photos, jot down a few notes and feel grateful for such an epic vacation.
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Road Trip Tips

by Wendy
Follow me on twitter @wendylooksleaps
Jack and I take a fair number of road trips each year, most often to his hometown in the great state of New Jersey or a beach destination. Here are a few tips for an enjoyable road trip.

Are we there yet? Jimmy and Tulip navigate to Outer Banks

Are we there yet? Jimmy and Tulip navigate to Outer Banks

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Diary of a Wimpy Hiker

by Wendy
Follow me on twitter @wendylooksleaps

I am not exactly what you would call an outdoor enthusiast, but I’ve improved a lot.

As a kid I played in the yard but generally preferred sitting on the couch reading. Growing up, I favored sports like volleyball in an air conditioned gym, kickball on a freshly mowed neighborhood lawn or tennis on a nice crisp court. In other words, activities where you didn’t get too dirty and could even wear cute skirts. I never really wanted to go camping, fishing, kayaking, rock-climbing or mountain biking. Continue reading

Nostalgia Across an Ocean

by Wendy
Follow me on twitter @wendylooksleaps

One of the rewards of visiting another country is the opportunity to observe and appreciate what is different – as well as noticing what is the same. These flashes of familiarity can make you feel very connected to a place in ways you did not expect. Dad talks about this a little in his Travel Epistle post, how senses are often heightened during travel, and how the basic human need of eating and drinking can help visitors get to know a new place.

The other week my eye doctor told me about a recent trip to Portugal with his sister. I’m a longtime patient of his, sometimes obliged to visit twice a year because I’m blind as a bat with unusually high pressure readings for glaucoma. Luckily this bat can see well with contact lenses and doesn’t get quite as nervous about these appointments as she did as a bat teen. It’s pretty routine, we shoot the breeze and I ask what cool trips he’s taken lately. Continue reading

The Family that Travels Together…

Stays in the Same House Together!

The Looks and Leaps family recently traveled to Hilton Head, South Carolina for a week. The weather was fantastic and the ocean was beautiful – but part of the fun was living together in an awesome beach house! We’d like to share some of our favorite things and recommendations as you plan your summer getaways! Continue reading

Stories from Salzburg and The Sound of Music Tour

by Wendy
This year is the 50th Anniversary of The Sound of Music – the beloved, iconic film with Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer. You know you love it. The romance, suspense, technicolor scenery – and of course, catchy songs. April and I were kids before VHS tapes were ubiquitous, and it was a special event when The Sound of Music was on tv. We got to stay up late and enjoy fresh popcorn with melted butter (no microwave stuff) and during commercial breaks, likely twirled around in our nightgowns like Liesl. So when April and I went to Europe as college students, we decided to go on The Sound of Music Tour. Really. A bus tour of various locations in Salzburg that were used in the making of an American movie classic that we were told Austrians have either never heard of, or can’t stand. What fun! Continue reading