Tag Archives: travel with kids


by April

There’s no other city I visit as often as Washington DC and for the past few years my son, “J”, and I have traveled to our nation’s capital each spring.  His first visit was at 5 years old so there’s no surprise he considers it his “home away from home”.   There are no shortage of travel guides for families visiting DC, but since we travel to DC so often, we’ve been able to enjoy the must-sees like the Smithsonian Museums but we’ve also had the chance to get off the beaten path and discover some fun and kid-friendly places.  I recently sat down with my now 9 year old son and as we reminisced about our past trips to DC he pointed out the things that really stood out to him along the way.  Here are some notes from 5 years of travel to Washington DC from a kids’ perspective.  In other words, things that make DC FUN!

While sightseeing on the National Mall take a break to ride the carousel!

While sightseeing on the National Mall take a break to ride the carousel!

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Enjoy the Journey – even more activities for kids!

by April

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Even with a light saber, would Mickey Mouse stand a chance against Batman?


As I’ve posted before, whether you are traveling by plane or by car, it always pays to prepare for down time when traveling with kids.  When you’ve exhausted the classic games and songs, here a few more fun (and free!) ideas for keeping everyone entertained on road trip – no extra packing required!

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