The Smoothie Formula

by April

It’s a stretch to call this a recipe but it’s a formula I’ve stumbled upon that is worth sharing. The Half Cup Smoothie is a quick and easy breakfast or snack that even the kids can prepare (if you trust them with the blender!).  It has everything I look for when adding something new to the household menu; it’s easy and quick to prepare, uses pantry and fridge staples I always have on hand, and needs minimal utensils so clean up is fast. And most of all it tastes great.  All you need is a blender, a few ingredients, and a half cup.

The Half Cup Smoothie (Strawberry Banana Version)

1 Banana (frozen or fresh) – I prefer fresh, but if you have a few bananas you are going to throw away because you won’t have time to eat them before they are too ripe, just put them in a freezer bag and you’ll have them on hand for future smoothies.  

1/2 cup frozen strawberries – for the truly time-pressed, you can find these in the grocery store frozen, pre-sliced and in a resealable bag, making an easy ingredient even easier!

1/2 cup plain yogurt – I like FAGE Total 2% Greek Strained Yogurt but you can use your favorite brand. 

1/2 cup orange juice

Blend until smooth and enjoy. This makes one large smoothie or two small ones but it’s easy to double this recipe if you need more. Switch strawberries for another frozen fruit or try a different fruit juice to make this formula your own.