Enjoy the journey – more activities for the kids

Whether you are traveling by plane or by car, it always pays to prepare for down time when traveling with kids.  We all know apps and video games can be handy entertainment in these situations, but if you are looking for some alternatives, here are some fun ideas to keep the kids (and you!) entertained during a drive or a long layover.

Mix up the classics – 20 Questions and Name that Tune are two classic road trip games for the family that you can mix up to keep things interesting.  Try different categories for 20 Questions that will appeal to small kids like Disney characters, animals (“animal hybrids” is an especially entertaining category invented by my brother in law, think spider + gorilla = spirilla) or favorite candy.  On a recent road trip my sister and niece introduced me to a new version of Name that Tune where you use “meows” instead humming.  Yes, it makes you feel ridiculous, but it is also hilarious which helps to keep everyone in a good mood when you are still hours away from your destination.

Trivia – pack the deck of cards from your favorite trivia board game and each person takes a turn quizzing their fellow travelers.  If you are traveling by road and there are several cars in your caravan, you can play an interactive trivia game by having the passengers in one car text the question to the passengers in the other cars and see which group comes up with the answer first (no internet searching allowed!)

Goody bags – Use a large plastic bag or even a gift bag to stash small treats for kids to unwrap during the trip.  You can hand out items one at a time or turn over the whole bag at once to the little restless passengers.  Shop the dollar section of your favorite store for some surprise trinkets and pack the staples like magic erase board, magnets, stickers, magazine or comic book, Don’t forget something sweet – think of a  fun treat for kids that lasts a long time and is zero mess like Ring Pops or bubble gum.

Have fun and enjoy the journey!