Author Archives: Sunny

Disneyland 60th Anniversay Celebration

by Sunny

follow me on Twitter @Sunnylooksleaps

So as a big surprise to no one, we visited a Disney Park during Spring Break.  We chose Disneyland this year for several reasons: the weather, the smaller crowds, the ability to walk between parks, and the fact that Disneyland is still celebrating its 60th Anniversary.   While we usually visit Walt Disney World in Florida, this wasn’t our first time to Disneyland.  But it was the first trip that Jimmy’s mom had ever been to a Disney Park.  Ever!  We spent our three days in Disneyland well, mixing the classics with the brand new attractions.

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The Fun of Repeat Visits: Disney Edition

by Sunny

follow me on Twitter @sunnylooksleaps

Spring Break is upon us, and it seems every conversation begins with, “So, do you have big plans for Spring Break?”  And yes, we are going to Disneyland!  No surprise to those who know us well, but in talking with other families, you hear about other points of view about visiting Disney.  I recently heard a tale about a 9-day beginning of summer trip to Disney World.  While that trip was no doubt expensive, it also allowed plenty of time to experience nearly everything while still having some down time at the pool.  If you are only taking the kids to Disney once or twice, I say go for a trip like this!  We visit every year, so our trips are much shorter (3-4 days).  We would rather be able to get our annual dose of Disney in shorter amounts, than only go once or twice during MJ’s childhood.  But the question remains: Is there really any difference between going at the age of 3 AND 4?  Will a 2-year-old really enjoy it?  Here are some of my favorite things about visiting Disney year after year. Continue reading

An Off-Season Adventure

by Sunny

follow me on Twitter @sunnylooksleaps

In our constant attempt to save money and travel as much as possible, we often search for deals during a city’s off season to take advantage of low rates and small crowds.  Of course, sometimes what we expect to be a relaxing weekend trip shapes up to be a real adventure!  Read about our February  trip to Minneapolis, Minnesota and see why the massive Mall of America was one of the sanest parts of the trip!

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The American Girl Experience

by Sunny and MJ

follow me on Twitter @Sunnylooksleaps

Anyone who’s ever had a beloved American Girl doll in their family knows where I’m going with this post!  MJ received her very first American Girl doll from Santa back in December and her 6-year-old world became forever changed!  Maryellen Larkin goes everywhere MJ does: to the grocery, to school for show and tell, to tumbling class, to sleepovers and playdates, and naturally, even on vacation!  We spent President’s Weekend at the Mall of America in Minneapolis, Minnnesota.  MJ and Maryellen enjoyed lots of time at the American Girl Store there.  With the help of MJ, here is a recap of our experience along with tips to share!

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Packing for the Caribbean

by Sunny

follow me on Twitter @Sunnylooksleaps

In November, Jimmy and I spent five glorious days in Negril, Jamaica at the Rockhouse Hotel to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary.  As I was looking through our honeymoon photos (also spent in the Caribbean) I laughed at some of my style choices.  Granted, I could get away with a lot more at the age of 23!  I did most of my shopping for our Jamaica trip during the summer sales when swimsuits and sundresses are cheap and plentiful.  Here’s what I packed for our low-key resort stay,

jamaica wardrobe

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Holiday Baking

by Sunny

follow me on Twitter @Sunnylooksleaps

Don’t you just love to get back from a relaxing, rejuvenating vacation only to find that one of your major appliances in malfunctioning? Nothing kills that post vacation glow like an added home expense.   We ordered a new heating element for our oven that wouldn’t preheat, but unfortunately we got the wrong size.  There was no way we would get a new one in time for the holiday baking frenzy. Luckily, our stove top and broiler still worked. We also have a “babycakes” that helped us to be creative with our treats.  Here’s how we ended up with a house full of sweets even without a working oven!

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The Rockhouse Experience

by Sunny

follow me on Twitter @sunnylooksleaps

There are many different reasons to travel: business, pleasure, visiting, celebrating, exploring, and experiencing new cultures.  Now, we love to travel and love to sightsee.  We visit at least one new city a year and check off our list of “must-see” attractions just about everywhere we go.  Jimmy and I have raised a little travel trooper who at 6-years-old has walked Pike Place Market, the expanse of the National Mall, and Walt Disney World four times over.   More often than not, our travels are full of adventure from dawn to dusk.  Our most recent trip to Jamaica was anything but….and it was perfect.  Read on to find out how two sightseeing, schedule- packing travelers turned off their calendars, to-do lists, and devices to enjoy the peace and bliss of a truly relaxing vacation.

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Packing Up the Kids…When They Aren’t Coming With You

by Sunny

follow me on Twitter @Sunnylooksleaps

My husband and I were counting the days.  We were booking spa appointments, shopping for sunscreen, and acting like the newlyweds we were 10 years ago.  Celebrating our 10th anniversary is beyond exciting, especially since we booked a reservation at the unique Rockhouse Hotel in Jamaica – a trip we’ve been planning since we returned from our honeymoon. Click on the link and you will instantly want to visit – Don’t say I didn’t warn you.  We packed up our daughter, too…to stay at my parents’ house.  It’s kind of bittersweet.  She’s traveled with us on every trip we’ve taken since she was born except for one.  We love traveling with her, but this trip was for the two of us.  Even though she stayed here, there was PLENTY of planning and packing that needed to be done for her.  Read on for tips about packing the kids when they are enjoying a “staycation” while you are on vacation!

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Read This, Travel Here

by Sunny

follow Sunny on Twitter @Sunnylooksleaps

There is nothing better than picking out the perfect novel to take on your next trip. But wouldn’t you agree there are some books that inspire you to travel or get you super psyched to visit a new destination?  Here are four suggestions for books to read before you travel to that new city.

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