Tag Archives: Concord

American Literary History in Concord

by Wendy
Louisa May Alcott was one of my favorite writers as a child. Like many girls, I adored the novel Little Women and idolized the character Jo March. I read any book I could find by Alcott and then moved on to biographies about her fascinating life and family members.

Alcott was dethroned by other literary obsessions as I grew older, and I hadn’t thought about her much in recent years. Then I watched the new PBS Masterpiece adaptation of Little Women a few weeks before a Boston trip. A quick online search confirmed that Louisa May Alcott’s family home, “Orchard House”, is in nearby Concord and can be toured. I remembered wanting to go as a kid, and now I had the opportunity thanks to Jack and our pal Steve, eternal good sport, who was up for spending a Saturday afternoon chasing literary history. Continue reading